Friday, August 19, 2011

wow give some one another chance they blow it haha well its not really that that is bugging me more like the fact u know that she will blow me off 4 soome1 elce hmm get 2 take some 1 2 my cabin ntomorrow who shall it B lol :)

                                                                                                                                             xoxo Lost_Angel

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who are your real friends?

do u ever really know who our friends are?
sometimes i feel like i get to know some one give them my trust and they just stabb me in the back!
what is trust really? do we earn it or do people just give it to us? then when we betray our trus we have to acctualy earn it this time why not just earn it in the first place?

ya i know i sound like a winy bitch!oh well its my blog!!!!!
haha i  hope i actually still have people reading :) welll more of the shit that is on my mind 2 come!!!:)

xoxo Lost_Angel


hey umm i am going 2 blog about well my life! hope u enjoy reading bout all the crap in my life! :)

xoxo Lost_Angel